Tuesday, October 19, 2010

'Milking' away my allergies

In the second series of how I detected hidden allergens in foods I will focus on dairy products.  As I stated before I thought that I was eating carefully and taking the precautions of avoiding dairy and all of it's related products.  Unbeknownst to me; I was still ingesting dairy in unfamiliar forms and still suffering the effects from that.

Some people cannot drink milk because they lack the enzyme that breaks down lactose which is a sugar found in milk.  These people are known as lactose intolerant.  However, I like others cannot have dairy because it is highly mucous forming and causes asthma and allergy flare ups as well as breathing difficulties from the formed mucous in the body.

As I began to research, I discovered dairy comes in many forms that many are not aware of. I will list ingredients to to watch out for when reading labels.

Whey ( in all forms)
Whey protein hydrolysate is used for cider and wines
When solids
Milk solids
Caseinate, Casen
Sodium caseinate
Casein hydrolysate
Lactalbumin, Lactalbumin phosphate
Lactose, Lactulose, Lactoferrin, Lactitol
Rennet casein
Milk in all forms including condensed, derivative, dry, evaporated, goat's milk and milk from other animals

Foods commonly containing dairy

Custard, puddings, yogurts
All cheese unless stated dairy free
Half and half
Hot chocolate mixes
Non dairy creamers
Spreads including artificial butter, butter, artificial butter flavor and many margarines (even though they state non-dairy on the label)
Boxed dinners, mashed potatoes, gravies, vegetables in sauces and creams or cheese
Canned pasta meals
Prepared meats including hot dogs, sausages and lunch meats
Salad dressings
Sherbet and some sorbets
Many kinds of chocolate (cocoa powder is dairy free)
Caramel candies, Nougat candy, Malted milk balls
Meal replacement drinks (like Slim Fast) and bars

After I discovered these ingredients, it made a world of difference in my health as I was taking in many of these ingredients.  Fortunately we are living in an age where there are so many dairy alternatives that are nutritious and delicious. Look for that post for these alternatives in my next blog.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Soy part two

In this second part I will elaborate more on soy laden foods.  Soy is often used in foods to make them high protein.  If you read this claim on food products examine the label more closely.  Soy flour or other soy ingredients may have been used.  The following list are some ingredients to watch out for when avoiding soy.

Hydrolyzed soy protein
Miso ( a paste made of rice, barley or soybeans; a seasoning used often in Japanese cuisine)
Natto ( a Japanese food made from fermented soy beans)
Shoyu sauce ( a soy sauce)
Soy protein isolate
Soy sauce
Tamari ( a type of soy sauce)
Tempeh ( similar to tofu)
Textured vegetable protein aka TVP
Soy flour, albumin flour

Foods that are very likely to contain soy are
Salad dressings
Vegetarian meat substitutes
Some flavored teas
Coffee creamers ( artificial)
Some spices
Some gluten free products ( if you are wheat intolerant)
Canned tuna
Most processed foods includes, Stuffing mixes/Baking mixes/Canned puddings/Canned and packaged dinners/Chocolate bars/Imitation seafood-crab style legs/Cooking spray/Snack foods/Some vitamins and supplements.

Soy can be found in non-food items such as Lip balms/Cosmetics/Lotions

It may seem overwhelming at first because soy is so prevalent in our foods now.  However, knowledge is power and the more control you have to protect yourself against these ingredients the more confident you will be in making wise food choices.  Over time these ingredients will jump out at you when you recognize them.  My husband now recognizes many of the ingredients just from shopping with me.  It isn't difficult, just a little more time consuming.  But you are worth it aren't you? :D

Thursday, October 7, 2010

My battle with Soy

When I was tested for food allergies, one of the foods I tested highest for was soy.  Later on in years as I began suffering again,  it was up to me to learn on a deeper level about the foods I was eating.  As I mentioned in the previous blog, my doctors had no idea why I was suffering from the various symptoms I was having (extreme dizziness, migraine like headaches, dark and itchy skin splotches and more).  I also stated that I was put through a variety of physical tests ( MRI and other neurological tests).  Nothing was discovered.

As my frustration grew so did my resolve to press forward to help myself.  I begin to learn to tap into my intuition (something we all have) and learn to trust and follow those intuitive thoughts and feelings.  I strongly felt that I was bringing on these symptoms through my diet. As I researched my original food allergies I began to learn how wide spread soy is in much of the food we consume. Not only was I still getting soy, but msg and dairy three big nono's for me. They were 'hidden' away listed with unfamiliar names in so many foods.

Here listed are examples of foods that may contain soy.
Soy protein,  Textured vegetable protein (TPV),  Hydrolyzed soy protein,  Hydrolyzed plant protein,  Hydrolyzed vegetable protein,  Natural and artificial flavoring (may be soy based), Vegetable gum, Vegetable starch, Soy lecithin. These are common soy-containing ingredients.

Soy-Containing Foods are
Miso,  Soy sauce,  Worcestershire sauce,  Tamari,  Tempeh,  Vegetable broth, some cereals,  Many baked goods.

Soy may also be called Soy, Soya, Soybeans, Glycine max.  Soy is also a common ingredient in other food products such as meat products (particularly luncheon meats and sausages), meat substitutes, candies, ice creams, dessert, margarine spreads are mostly soy, and  some condiments.

As you can see that when you that avoiding all soy, it can be challenging as soy isn't just tofu and soy milk, it's everywhere!  Being educated and consistant reading and understand of food labels are your best weapon against accidentally contaminating yourself (as I was doing) in the process.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Re learning how to eat:

My connection with raw foods has lead me down the road to better health and healing.  I now eat raw and whole foods to continue to better my body, mind and spirit.

I've always had allergies. A few years ago I took allergy therapy shots weekly which was the beginning of a huge healing change to my life. During this time it was discovered that I was allergic to numerous foods and had other food sensitivities.  Being sick in some way for the better part of my life was unbeknown to me, all a part of food allergies ( along w/some environmental and chemical allergies too).

 I was doing fine for a while, and then began to suffer from mystery symptoms again.  This time the symptoms were more debilitating, extreme dizziness ( to the point that I couldn't drive at times), brain fog, dark skin marks and body wide itchiness, and migraine like headaches.  Not to mention, stomach bloating and pain.

I was given a blood test for Celiac but it came back negative.  I was tested for a host of other conditions, from MS, to brain tumors. All came back negative.  Doctors didn't really know what to tell me. I began to research myself and testing my body by removing and re entering certain foods that I had under suspect.

I realized my body was reacting from foods that I thought I had eliminated from my diet.  What I didn't know then was that unclear and misleading food labeling had made it possible for these trouble foods and chemical preservatives/additives to slip through.  I was slowly poisoning myself.

Now days labels have gotten much better but still require careful examination and a knowledge of what ingredients are.  In the next blog I will be discussing ingredients and common allergens and where they are hiding in our food. Learning this was indeed a lifesaver for me.  Once I was able to move through the secret labeling codes,  I could shop and eat without fear. Once I began eating a raw and whole foods diet my my symptoms disappeared and my body thanked me.

I want to help others who may be in the same boat as I was and don't know where to turn or what to eat. I want to educate people on what's really in the foods they eat, especially processed foods, and help people discover that when we eat natural unprocessed whole foods, we are healing as well as enjoying good food.