His ways are far wiser than ours. Though we may not always understand the plan, we should always have faith that God sees the bigger picture while we only see frame by frame...
Hi, I am just one little soul here on this plane to do my work to spread the word about living healthy, natural lives and extolling peace amongst ourselves and spreading it to others. It is my hope through this blog to inspire and teach others about how we can effect our mind body and spirit through wholesome eating and centered living. I am a Raw Foods Practitioner and studying to become a Holistic Nutrition and Health Coach. Let's live one moment and one breath at a time...
Monday, December 24, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
The Sweet Persimmon
You may have noticed in the markets recently a tomatoey looking fruit called Persimmon. There are two readily available types in most U.S. markets, the Hachiya Persimmon that is longer in shape and the Fuyu Persimmon which is shaped more like a tomato. Both are delicious when ripe, very sweet and succulent.
When buying persimmons they should be ripe, soft to the touch or buy them under ripe and allow to ripen at room temp. These yummy fruits are a real joy to eat and contain a host of nutrients which benefit our body. They are a significant source of fiber, 6 grams, and a great source of vitamin A. One of the best reasons to indulge in the small but mighty persimmon is that they are full of antioxidants. They contain 20% of the daily value of Vitamin C as well as bioflavonoids, carotenoids, and phytochemicals. These powerful antioxidants add up to health inducing power which boost our immune system and protect the heart.
The season for this fruit is September through December, so grab some while you can. Persimmons can be frozen for up to five or six months if you plan on using them in recipes.
It's great to have access to something that tastes so sublime and is so beneficial for you!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Fruits of the Spirit Series: Faithfulness
This is part two of the Fruits of the Spirit Series. Today I'm talking about Faithfulness. In my last Fruits blog I mistakenly posted Faithfulness as the title when it should have been Gentleness which was the fruit in discussion.
Faithfulness is that believing that God is who he says he is and trusting in what God says, not what your own eyes or the world tell us. When life becomes inconsistent and takes us through the hills and valleys we should remain steadfast in our Faith that
God is or will work things out, maybe not the ways we think it should be taken care of but in His way, because he sees things differently than our human minds do.
Having the fruit of Faithfulness will carry us through life with the confidence of having an insurance policy, one where the only requirements are faith and obedience. Studying on the fruit of faith helps me get through my difficult times because it's a constant reminder of who is really in charge...
Monday, December 3, 2012
Doodles For God
As we walk in Gods power and spend time in His world, He gives us strength to live according to Kingdom values and not the spirit of the age.
John 17:15
We live in this world but our allegiance is to Heaven.