Yesterday I attended a raw meet up group at a local massage institute. I thought the teacher was very well informed and the best thing is that she wasn't preachy or hard core about adding more raw into the diet. Let's remember, we're all adults and just because you embark on a new food journey doesn't mean that you're a loser if you don't follow certain rules and regulations. As adults we tend to be so hard on ourselves if we don't get it right the first time around. Let's remember that any change is a process and will take patience and time, as well as there being a learning curve that we will have while making new adjustments in our lives.
Let's face it, any addition of more fresh food cooked or raw is a positive addition to anyone. The SAD (Standard American Diet is poor and killing us). Just adding one green smoothie a day is a big positive jump for anyone. Why not try replacing desserts with some tasty raw concoctions, and believe me, there are Plenty of decadent raw desserts available!!! Try cutting back on meat to twice weekly and have an awesome veg filled dinner. There are great recipes out there, you'd really be surprised. Try attending a vegetarian potluck in your area, browse the internet, ask co worker or friends. There is a beautiful bounty of healthy fare for us to feast on, both raw and prepared. Why not make it an adventure!!
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