Monday, December 20, 2010

Eating Intuitively

In my previous post I talked about how I prefer eating a part raw and part cooked natural foods diet.  I am in tune to my body's needs as well as it's wants LOL!  I have discovered that I am an intuitive eater.  Over the years I have traveled many paths around food and have now arrived at a balanced place regarding my body, food and nutrition.  I'm realizing that my body knows best, and I follow it's lead. There are times where I realize that I'm eating due to emotional circumstances (grabbing for the all comforting chocolate bar!)  However those detours are in the minority.

Being the type of eater I've developed into I have found it is wise to keep a good variety of food types on hand.  Pantry stocked with whole grains (qunioa, buckwheat groats, sticky brown rice...), my fridge stocked with different kinds of greens (kale, a favorite, arugula, spinach... for eating and making green smoothies and juices), a variety of veggies (cukes, carrots, fennel, zucchini...).  All of these veggies and greens transfer into tasty cooked dishes, like tasty stews as well as yummy raw dishes such as raw zucchini pasta or fennel, orange and spinach salad.  Fresh fruits especially the juicy ones (grapes, my favorite, melon, berries both fresh and frozen ).  Apples are great baked on a cold winter's night topped with a little granola or raw shredded (like cheese, yes it gives it a different twist) with cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves on top!  You see it isn't hard to have the best of both worlds!

I now when I'm not feeling my energetic best, my body craves raw dishes, especially fruits and veggies along with some good nut butters (both raw and roasted, almond, cashew, sunflower seed...).  There are times when my body wants a little meat (usually fish, fresh or canned chicken and turkey), all are great pared with a big green salad, the fiber in the salad helping to push along the meat.  Fiber also slows down the absorption of sugars.  So if I've been eating a lot of fruit or other sweet foods, I will follow it with a green smoothie made with dark leafy goodness (dino kale, spinach, collards and other greens mixed with cucumbers as they are filled with water our body so needs, and herbs like parsley).

Over the past few years I've chosen to deepen my connection to myself and have learned to trust my inner wisdom.  This has lead me to live my live more honestly, in all areas.  It's comforting to have found my place on the food map. What kind of eater are you?

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