Over the last few years with family stress, and the craziness of life, I learned to dread the Christmas season . The emphasis in society of this and any holiday seems diluted and materialized. For me it became a time for trying to please everyone, sadness and rushing around and for what?
This year I took Christ-mas back for myself. This season is again Holy and meaningful and true to itself. Each day I'm doing an exercise and reading from the Bible on the power of Gods love. Sending us His only son baby Jesus is the Only gift that matters for me as a growing soul in our Lord. God performed the ultimate sacrifice because HE LOVES US THAT MUCH!!
This Holy season I'm taking the time and effort to be in the moments of the SPIRIT of Christ-mas. I am celebrating thorough out December for the One who gave everything for us His Children. I will remember that if we listen and follow, He will make us as white as snow continually forgiving our sins thus recreating us in His image...
Isaiah 1:18
psalm 51
Have a very Merry Christmas
Hi, I am just one little soul here on this plane to do my work to spread the word about living healthy, natural lives and extolling peace amongst ourselves and spreading it to others. It is my hope through this blog to inspire and teach others about how we can effect our mind body and spirit through wholesome eating and centered living. I am a Raw Foods Practitioner and studying to become a Holistic Nutrition and Health Coach. Let's live one moment and one breath at a time...
Monday, December 5, 2011
The Meaning of Christ-mas for me...
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Not giving in or up
Life is getting more and more challenging for many of us. God may not solve or bring my problems to an end but he continues to give me the strength to carry on. Amen for that!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Hurray for Carob!
Having a chocolate allergy, well really sucks LOL! For years I have had secret little affairs with chocolate knowing its effect on my body. As of late however, I realize the repercussions of putting something in my body that it recognizes as foreign.
Over the years I have tried Carob with less than thrilled results. However, lately I came across raw carob, which Iv'e known about for a while. I managed to track some down through the internet and much to my delight I made a cup of (cocoa) hot carob that is, and it was fabulous!!! Iv'e tried carob powder in the past (roasted) but found the taste to be too strong, but the raw carob is much more mild. I cant wait to make other chocolate- like treats with this lovely powder. I have also tried a carob bar from the health food store and it was not all bad either. I think I'm in a more accepting space knowing that chocolate has to be off limits which allows me to want to bring other alternatives that are pro health instead of anti health.
One of the positive aspects of bringing carob into my life are the health benefits it brings. It helps to improve digestion and acts as a mild analgesic, as well as adding antioxidants to the diet. Carob has no caffeine or theobromine that act as stimulants as in chocolate. Carob's also rich in vitamin E, A, D and the B vitamins. It contains calcium potassium, and iron, and has natural pectin which helps remove cholesterol.
Carob powder can replace cocoa powder in any recipe with the advantage of carob not having the addictive qualities of chocolate.
I highly recommend giving carob a try wether food allergies are present or not. Its a tasty and healthy addition for making edible and drinkable treats for everyone.
Over the years I have tried Carob with less than thrilled results. However, lately I came across raw carob, which Iv'e known about for a while. I managed to track some down through the internet and much to my delight I made a cup of (cocoa) hot carob that is, and it was fabulous!!! Iv'e tried carob powder in the past (roasted) but found the taste to be too strong, but the raw carob is much more mild. I cant wait to make other chocolate- like treats with this lovely powder. I have also tried a carob bar from the health food store and it was not all bad either. I think I'm in a more accepting space knowing that chocolate has to be off limits which allows me to want to bring other alternatives that are pro health instead of anti health.
One of the positive aspects of bringing carob into my life are the health benefits it brings. It helps to improve digestion and acts as a mild analgesic, as well as adding antioxidants to the diet. Carob has no caffeine or theobromine that act as stimulants as in chocolate. Carob's also rich in vitamin E, A, D and the B vitamins. It contains calcium potassium, and iron, and has natural pectin which helps remove cholesterol.
Carob powder can replace cocoa powder in any recipe with the advantage of carob not having the addictive qualities of chocolate.
I highly recommend giving carob a try wether food allergies are present or not. Its a tasty and healthy addition for making edible and drinkable treats for everyone.
Monday, August 22, 2011
It's the little things
Life has been challenging lately to say the least. I have met with extreme stress and events that I felt I couldn't overcome lately. I have been pulled into the 'hollow zone'. I dubbed it because it's a place where life's challenges overwhelm and draw you in like a category 5 tornado, whirling and spinning out of control leaving one feeling helpless, without shelter, even the most spiritually minded. My focus was constantly attracted to the circumstances and events in my life that I simply had no control of and I couldn't break away from it.
Fortunately, there has been a silver lining behind my storm cloud. Through much prayer and patience I am resetting my coping ability and thought processes so that I can refocus on refocusing:). I appreciate and am thankful for my breath(having asthma it's something not to be taken for granted!). I and grateful for waking up each morning with sight, and mind and strong spirit. I am ever so grateful for living in a country and a place where I can hear the music of birds singing, and natures greatest hits, instead of bombs going off. I purchased to lovely tea/cocoa mugs that add beauty and fun to my tea time. I am practicing hot yoga(more on that in my next blog), and it demands my complete attention and my body and spirit thank me for it. I love spending time with my little bulldog and being distracted by his silly ways and demands for ice cream! I focus on the love that's in my life and not on what is lost( there is a reason and lesson in all relationships).
My ability to reexamine my life and get a handle on stress is making a big difference. Do I still have stress? Yes, life wouldn't be life without it, but am I better able to manage it's effect on my health, mind and spirit yes. I am glad for the silence where I can be and listen and learn...
Fortunately, there has been a silver lining behind my storm cloud. Through much prayer and patience I am resetting my coping ability and thought processes so that I can refocus on refocusing:). I appreciate and am thankful for my breath(having asthma it's something not to be taken for granted!). I and grateful for waking up each morning with sight, and mind and strong spirit. I am ever so grateful for living in a country and a place where I can hear the music of birds singing, and natures greatest hits, instead of bombs going off. I purchased to lovely tea/cocoa mugs that add beauty and fun to my tea time. I am practicing hot yoga(more on that in my next blog), and it demands my complete attention and my body and spirit thank me for it. I love spending time with my little bulldog and being distracted by his silly ways and demands for ice cream! I focus on the love that's in my life and not on what is lost( there is a reason and lesson in all relationships).
My ability to reexamine my life and get a handle on stress is making a big difference. Do I still have stress? Yes, life wouldn't be life without it, but am I better able to manage it's effect on my health, mind and spirit yes. I am glad for the silence where I can be and listen and learn...
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Checking Out....
One of my favorite bible passages talks of being in the world but not being of it. John 1 talks about not coveting the things of the world but living to please God. I always gain great comfort, from this, like a pep talk from God :)
I often more now than ever find that I have to check out of the world, that includes all media, stressful situations and people, doing frivolous things (whatever I feel that is for me). I take some time to regroup my spirit and mind, to clarify my focus, clear away the mental fog. I focus on the word and my Lord (though I'm always in communication with Him).
Checking out allows me to better hear His voice, to remember to focus on living for others and that we are all connected and here for a greater purpose than our egoic desires. I pray daily but when I check out I spend much more time in prayer and meditation. I try to spend much more time in nature and connect more with our earth and it's beauty. No matter my personal accomplishments nothing feels more satisfying than helping someone else, even in the smallest way.
When I check out I don't focus on my personal pain, the resentment I may feel towards someone, and other negative feelings that cause my body and mind stress. I need these check outs to function and live on this earth with a mind of hope and with love in my heart.
Checking out allows me to remember....
I am grateful for this...
I often more now than ever find that I have to check out of the world, that includes all media, stressful situations and people, doing frivolous things (whatever I feel that is for me). I take some time to regroup my spirit and mind, to clarify my focus, clear away the mental fog. I focus on the word and my Lord (though I'm always in communication with Him).
Checking out allows me to better hear His voice, to remember to focus on living for others and that we are all connected and here for a greater purpose than our egoic desires. I pray daily but when I check out I spend much more time in prayer and meditation. I try to spend much more time in nature and connect more with our earth and it's beauty. No matter my personal accomplishments nothing feels more satisfying than helping someone else, even in the smallest way.
When I check out I don't focus on my personal pain, the resentment I may feel towards someone, and other negative feelings that cause my body and mind stress. I need these check outs to function and live on this earth with a mind of hope and with love in my heart.
Checking out allows me to remember....
I am grateful for this...
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Is Living more minimalist realistic?
I've always liked my environment sparse, as opposed to my husband who prefers the cluttered look! This spring after out basement flooded and we or he was forced to rid our home of unwanted unnecessary things, collections, otherwise stuff.
I love purging every few months my home of anything I haven't used within the last. Six months. This includes clothes, food, and household things. I feel lighter in body mind and soul after doing this. I'm able to donate and give to others, clear space within our home and really focus on how I'm living.
Society has always told us that more, and bigger are better. We are constantly bombarded with ads on how to make our lives more fulfilled through this product, that car, and heaven forbid we don't have the latest fashions(bags, shoes etc)! So many are still buying into those ideas.
I divided my life into needs and wants. All of my basic needs are currently being met thankfully. I have love of and from our Creator, and love in my life. I have a safe home, fresh food, and water, clothing, you get the point. My secondary needs are also met, being medical, and dental care, medicine and or supplements that help me to meet my health requirements, insurance and things of that nature. I'm fortunate to live where I have easy access to police and fire departments, and other community services.
Anything that falls outside of that circle of listed needs become wants. Here is where I decide that I choose to live simply, free of overstuffed closets and drawers. Free from a home full of things that only serve to gather dust and keep my spirit stifled. Free from needing everything that the outer world tells me will make me happy and my life complete. I chose a few things that I use mostly everyday, such as my bible, vita mix blender, I pad, or phone(though I've never been much of a phone person, I dislike walking around with a phone stuck to one ear)!
I'm currently working on slimming down my wardrobe to a few color coordinated outfits that can be worn together along with shoes. I'm not so far off! I do adore earrings, and when I see that I have an excess I give some away. We have an English bulldog whom we spoil with an abundance of toys, but truth be told he really only plays with a few favorites. I think it's time for him to learn to simplify too!
As I continue to simplify my life, my diet has too become more simple. Fresh vegetables fruits, raw green smoothies, and whole grains with the occasional treat (I'm really working on the occasional part!) when I need comfort I remember to seek God, and go within to listen for answers. Reading the word and learning to live in the world but not be of it keeps my head in a good space...
I broke this down to show that things outside of those types of things become wants
I love purging every few months my home of anything I haven't used within the last. Six months. This includes clothes, food, and household things. I feel lighter in body mind and soul after doing this. I'm able to donate and give to others, clear space within our home and really focus on how I'm living.
Society has always told us that more, and bigger are better. We are constantly bombarded with ads on how to make our lives more fulfilled through this product, that car, and heaven forbid we don't have the latest fashions(bags, shoes etc)! So many are still buying into those ideas.
I divided my life into needs and wants. All of my basic needs are currently being met thankfully. I have love of and from our Creator, and love in my life. I have a safe home, fresh food, and water, clothing, you get the point. My secondary needs are also met, being medical, and dental care, medicine and or supplements that help me to meet my health requirements, insurance and things of that nature. I'm fortunate to live where I have easy access to police and fire departments, and other community services.
Anything that falls outside of that circle of listed needs become wants. Here is where I decide that I choose to live simply, free of overstuffed closets and drawers. Free from a home full of things that only serve to gather dust and keep my spirit stifled. Free from needing everything that the outer world tells me will make me happy and my life complete. I chose a few things that I use mostly everyday, such as my bible, vita mix blender, I pad, or phone(though I've never been much of a phone person, I dislike walking around with a phone stuck to one ear)!
I'm currently working on slimming down my wardrobe to a few color coordinated outfits that can be worn together along with shoes. I'm not so far off! I do adore earrings, and when I see that I have an excess I give some away. We have an English bulldog whom we spoil with an abundance of toys, but truth be told he really only plays with a few favorites. I think it's time for him to learn to simplify too!
As I continue to simplify my life, my diet has too become more simple. Fresh vegetables fruits, raw green smoothies, and whole grains with the occasional treat (I'm really working on the occasional part!) when I need comfort I remember to seek God, and go within to listen for answers. Reading the word and learning to live in the world but not be of it keeps my head in a good space...
I broke this down to show that things outside of those types of things become wants
Friday, April 22, 2011
Discussing your choice to go RAW
How Do I Explain My Choices to My Family?’’
Saying that you are “going raw” or have ”gone raw” can be challenging at the best of times, but saying it to your own family – those who have seen you eat all manner of things over the years without issue – is something quite different!
As with all of the suggestions I have shared around social issues and raw food, much of it will come down to the attitude you choose to adopt. Plus it’s as much about what you don’t say as what you do. It’s also about remembering that everyone has an opinion and we all think we’re right. What matters is that you are happy with yours but don’t push it on anyone. That way they won’t push back!
Here follows my top tips for navigating those waters otherwise known as explaining your choices to your family for the first time, or even the umpteenth!
© 2011 Karen Knowler WOULD YOU LIKE TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR ON YOUR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Karen Knowler, The Raw Food Coach publishes "Successfully Raw" - a free weekly eZine for raw food lovers everywhere. If you're ready to look good, feel great and create a raw life you love get your FREE tips, tools and recipes now atwww.TheRawFoodCoach.com.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Green Smoothie Living
Tune in to Green Smoothie Queen for fantastic green smoothie prograns, detoxing, recipes and other healthfulriffic information!
Hug Someone Today!
Hugs certainly feel good, both on the giving and receiving end, and it turns out their effects are more than skin deep. A study by University of North Carolina researchers found that hugs increase the "bonding" hormone oxytocin and decrease the risk of heart disease.
Hugs are good for your heart, they lower blood pressure, and reduce stress, so make it a point to hug someone today! |
In fact, when couples hugged for 20 seconds, their levels of oxytocin, released during childbirth and breastfeeding, increased. Those in loving relationships had the highest increases.
Meanwhile, levels of the stress hormone cortisol decreased in women, as did their blood pressure. Said lead researcher and psychologist Dr. Karen Grewen, "Greater partner support is linked to higher oxytocin levels for both men and women. However, the importance of oxytocin and its potentially cardioprotective effects may be greater for women."
Hugging for Your Heart
"Scientists are increasingly interested in the possibility that positive emotions can be good for your health. This study has reinforced research findings that support from a partner, in this case a hug from a loved one, can have beneficial effects on heart health," said Dr. Charmaine Griffiths, spokesperson for the British Heart Foundation.
Indeed, a previous study, also led by Grewen, found that hugging and handholding reduces the effects of stress. Two groups of couples were asked to talk about an angry event, but one group had previously held hands and hugged, while the others sat alone. It was found that:
- Blood pressure increased significantly more among the no-contact group as compared to the huggers.
- Heart rate among those without contact increased 10 beats a minute, compared to five beats a minute for huggers.
What's more, Grewen suggests that warm contact such as hugs and hand-holding before the start of a rough day "could carry over and protect you throughout the day."
Benefits of Touch Start Early
A hearty hug in the morning may help your loved one ward off stress all day. |
Humans are clearly social animals, as evidenced by countless studies showing that those who have friends are healthier, as are people who are married.
We need social contact, and that includes touch, even beyond a couple's capacity. Take, for example, the fact that babies benefit from skin-to-skin contact with their mother with better physical development and positive bonding.
A telling example was a study of Korean infants in an orphanage. Those who received an extra 15 minutes of a female voice, massage and eye-to-eye contact, five days a week for four weeks, gained more weight and had greater increases in body length and head circumferences after the four weeks and at 6 months of age than children without the extra stimulation.
Therapeutic touch has also been shown to reduce stress and pain among adults, and reduces symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, such as restlessness, pacing, vocalization, searching and tapping.
Therapeutic touch has also been shown to reduce stress and pain among adults, and reduces symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, such as restlessness, pacing, vocalization, searching and tapping.
Time to Get, and Give, More Hugs
"U.S. couples aren't very touchy feely in public," says Tiffany Field of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami Medical School. This is a shame as touch also releases two feel-good brain chemicals, serotonin and dopamine.
Yet, according to Field's studies of U.S. and Parisian cafes, French couples spend three times more time touching than American couples.
So what are we waiting for? Grab your partner, friend or family member and give them a hug today. And if you're really feeling bold, check out the first link below and treat your significant other to a special treat tonight.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
My New Favorite Song...We are on a temporary journey here...
Little boy, 6 years old
A little too used to bein' alone
Another new mom and dad,another school
Another house that'll never be home
When people ask him how he likes this place
He looks up and says with a smile upon his face
"This is my temporary home
It's not where I belong
Windows and rooms that I'm passin' through
This is just a stop, on the way to where I'm going
I'm not afraid because I know this is my
Temporary Home."
Young mom on her own
She needs a little help got nowhere to go
She's lookin' for a job, lookin' for a way out
Because a half-way house will never be a home
At night she whispers to her baby girl
Someday we'll find a place here in this world
"This is our temporary home
It's not where we belong
Windows and rooms that we're passin' through
This is just a stop, on the way to where we're going
I'm not afraid because I know this is our
Temporary Home."
Old man, hospital bed
The room is filled with people he loves
And he whispers don't cry for me
I'll see you all someday
He looks up and says "I can see God's face"
"This is my temporary Home
It's not where I belong
Windows and rooms that I'm passin' through
This was just a stop,on the way To where I'm going
I'm not afraid because I know this was
My temporary home."
This is our temporary home
A little too used to bein' alone
Another new mom and dad,another school
Another house that'll never be home
When people ask him how he likes this place
He looks up and says with a smile upon his face
"This is my temporary home
It's not where I belong
Windows and rooms that I'm passin' through
This is just a stop, on the way to where I'm going
I'm not afraid because I know this is my
Temporary Home."
Young mom on her own
She needs a little help got nowhere to go
She's lookin' for a job, lookin' for a way out
Because a half-way house will never be a home
At night she whispers to her baby girl
Someday we'll find a place here in this world
"This is our temporary home
It's not where we belong
Windows and rooms that we're passin' through
This is just a stop, on the way to where we're going
I'm not afraid because I know this is our
Temporary Home."
Old man, hospital bed
The room is filled with people he loves
And he whispers don't cry for me
I'll see you all someday
He looks up and says "I can see God's face"
"This is my temporary Home
It's not where I belong
Windows and rooms that I'm passin' through
This was just a stop,on the way To where I'm going
I'm not afraid because I know this was
My temporary home."
This is our temporary home
Thanks to Brenan for the lyrics.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Coloring is Theraputic for All Ages!
Therapy in Color™ is a coloring book specifically designed for adults. The idea and concept ofTherapy in Color™ is to release tension and heal your soul through the art of coloring. What makes this one-of-a-kind book unique and not ordinary are the intricate images and the fact that it requires attention to fine detail. Unlike painting, you don’t need to have the skills of an artist to create a masterpiece. All you need is to pick the colors and draw within in the lines in order to be creative. The results can be miraculous! Disconnect yourself temporarily from the not-so-desirable reality and everyday challenges, step away from the crises in your life and escape to a world filled with creativity, inspiration and serenity.
Surrender yourself and start your journey of discovering and exploring the world of coloring.Therapy in Color™ includes an amazing collection of almost 190 unique and different black and white images to color. Each page includes inspirational quotes which will surely uplift your spirit, inspire and motivate you.
Let your imagination take you to a faraway land beyond the horizon where you can take a sailboat to never-ending oceans or fly above untouched meadows, find imaginary creatures or visit the rainforest jungle, meet exotic birds and discover exquisite flowers. Create your dream car. Is it going to be an antique or an ultra-modern, super-cool sports car? You pick the color. How about a tour around the world where you can travel through your imagination to see landmarks in France, Italy, England, Mexico, Egypt and much more.
This is a magical, uplifting and fun coloring book for adults with a treasury of inspirational quotes that will empower you to make positive changes and take action in your life. Equip yourself with a box of colored pencils, a copy of Therapy in Color™ and a creative mind. Focus on the positive and gather your thoughts while you are coloring.

Therapy In Color™
is available now at Amazon.com.
Free Shipping!
Click here to buy:
Therapy in Color™ is a coloring book specifically designed for adults. The idea and concept ofTherapy in Color™ is to release tension and heal your soul through the art of coloring. What makes this one-of-a-kind book unique and not ordinary are the intricate images and the fact that it requires attention to fine detail. Unlike painting, you don’t need to have the skills of an artist to create a masterpiece. All you need is to pick the colors and draw within in the lines in order to be creative. The results can be miraculous! Disconnect yourself temporarily from the not-so-desirable reality and everyday challenges, step away from the crises in your life and escape to a world filled with creativity, inspiration and serenity.
Surrender yourself and start your journey of discovering and exploring the world of coloring.Therapy in Color™ includes an amazing collection of almost 190 unique and different black and white images to color. Each page includes inspirational quotes which will surely uplift your spirit, inspire and motivate you.
Let your imagination take you to a faraway land beyond the horizon where you can take a sailboat to never-ending oceans or fly above untouched meadows, find imaginary creatures or visit the rainforest jungle, meet exotic birds and discover exquisite flowers. Create your dream car. Is it going to be an antique or an ultra-modern, super-cool sports car? You pick the color. How about a tour around the world where you can travel through your imagination to see landmarks in France, Italy, England, Mexico, Egypt and much more.
This is a magical, uplifting and fun coloring book for adults with a treasury of inspirational quotes that will empower you to make positive changes and take action in your life. Equip yourself with a box of colored pencils, a copy of Therapy in Color™ and a creative mind. Focus on the positive and gather your thoughts while you are coloring.
Therapy In Color™
is available now at Amazon.com.
Free Shipping!
Click here to buy:
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Enjoy being you...
you’re already perfect
‘Be Content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.’ ~Lao Tzu
Post written by Leo Babauta. Follow me on twitter .
A lot of people come to Zen Habits (and read other personal development blogs and books) because they want to improve something about themselves. They’re not satisfied with their lives, they’re unhappy with their bodies, they want to be better people.
I know, because I was one of those people.
This desire to improve myself and my life was one of the things that led to Zen Habits. I’ve been there, and I can say that it leads to a lot of striving, and a lot of dissatisfaction with who you are and what your life is.
A powerful realization that has helped me is simply this: You’re already good enough, you already have more than enough, and you’re already perfect.
Try saying that to yourself, as corny as that might sound, just to see if it sounds true. Does it resonate as something you already believe (in which case, you can probably stop reading now), or does it not feel right? Do you feel like there are things you still need to improve?
The thing I’ve learned, and it’s not some new truth but an old one that took me much too long to learn, is that if you learn to be content with who you are and where you are in life, it changes everything.
Consider what changes:
- You no longer feel dissatisfied with yourself or your life.
- You no longer spend so much time and energy wanting to change and trying to change.
- You no longer compare yourself to other people, and wish you were better.
- You can be happy, all the time, no matter what happens in the world around you.
- Instead of trying to improve yourself, you can spend your time helping others.
- You stop spending so much money on things that will supposedly improve your life.
- You can be smug about it, like me.
OK, the last bit was a joke, but the rest is true, in my experience.
And here’s another realization that I’ve written about before: You already have everything you need to be happy, right here and right now.
Do you have eyes that see? You have the ability to appreciate the beauty of the sky, of greenery, of people’s faces, of water. Do you have ears that hear? You have the ability to appreciate music, the sound of rainfall, the laughter of friends. You have the ability to feel rough denim, cool breezes, grass on bare feet … to smell fresh-cut grass, flowers, coffee … to taste a plum, a chili pepper, chocolate.
This is a miracle, and we take it for granted. Instead, we strive for more, when we already have everything. We want nicer clothes, cooler gadgets, bigger muscles, bigger boobies, flatter stomachs, bigger houses, cars with leather seats that talk to you and massage your butt. We’ve kinda gone insane that way.
The sane thing is to realize we don’t need any of that. We don’t need to improve our lives. We don’t need to improve ourselves, because we’re already perfect.
Once you accept this, it frees you.
You’re now free to do things, not because you want to be better, but because you love it. Because you’re passionate about it, and it gives you joy. Because it’s a miracle that you even can do it.
You’re already perfect. Being content with yourself means realizing that striving for perfection is based on someone else’s idea of what “perfect” is … and that that’s all bullshit. Perfect is who you are, not who someone else says you should be.
Also, as corny as it may sound, I love you, completely and unconditionally, and if everyone else in your world betrays and abandons you, you always have me. :)
Now stop reading this blog, and go be happy.
PREVIOUS POST: A simplified morning routine
NEXT POST: Nine Quick Tips to Identify Clutter
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