I've always liked my environment sparse, as opposed to my husband who prefers the cluttered look! This spring after out basement flooded and we or he was forced to rid our home of unwanted unnecessary things, collections, otherwise stuff.
I love purging every few months my home of anything I haven't used within the last. Six months. This includes clothes, food, and household things. I feel lighter in body mind and soul after doing this. I'm able to donate and give to others, clear space within our home and really focus on how I'm living.
Society has always told us that more, and bigger are better. We are constantly bombarded with ads on how to make our lives more fulfilled through this product, that car, and heaven forbid we don't have the latest fashions(bags, shoes etc)! So many are still buying into those ideas.
I divided my life into needs and wants. All of my basic needs are currently being met thankfully. I have love of and from our Creator, and love in my life. I have a safe home, fresh food, and water, clothing, you get the point. My secondary needs are also met, being medical, and dental care, medicine and or supplements that help me to meet my health requirements, insurance and things of that nature. I'm fortunate to live where I have easy access to police and fire departments, and other community services.
Anything that falls outside of that circle of listed needs become wants. Here is where I decide that I choose to live simply, free of overstuffed closets and drawers. Free from a home full of things that only serve to gather dust and keep my spirit stifled. Free from needing everything that the outer world tells me will make me happy and my life complete. I chose a few things that I use mostly everyday, such as my bible, vita mix blender, I pad, or phone(though I've never been much of a phone person, I dislike walking around with a phone stuck to one ear)!
I'm currently working on slimming down my wardrobe to a few color coordinated outfits that can be worn together along with shoes. I'm not so far off! I do adore earrings, and when I see that I have an excess I give some away. We have an English bulldog whom we spoil with an abundance of toys, but truth be told he really only plays with a few favorites. I think it's time for him to learn to simplify too!
As I continue to simplify my life, my diet has too become more simple. Fresh vegetables fruits, raw green smoothies, and whole grains with the occasional treat (I'm really working on the occasional part!) when I need comfort I remember to seek God, and go within to listen for answers. Reading the word and learning to live in the world but not be of it keeps my head in a good space...
I broke this down to show that things outside of those types of things become wants
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