Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Slowing Down to Move Up

As of late I've been getting the repeated message that I have to stop trying to run ahead of myself. I keep tripping over the same rocks, accumulating the same ' injuries' and wondering why.

Growing where I am planted is a seed that is finally beginning to take root. God speaks to us often through unlearned lessons that must be repeated until we hear...

Learning to stop, wait and listen for Gods guidance is allowing me to see why I continued to repeat my own mistakes. I realize that by filling my life with my 'stuff' that being to do's and have to's and self imposed deadlines I was unknowingly seeking worth and value as a person. As long as I filled my time with stuff that we're all supposed to do then I'm important and adding value to myself.

My fumbles were a part of my process of learning to seek my worth and value through the Lord. I thought I was, but my actions showed me otherwise. All of my busyness left me little space to follow the Lord when he called for me in whatever area needed.

It also believe that some of my actions were an attempt to hide the fact that I felt not qualified enough to do the Lord's bidding, that I would screw it up or misunderstand somehow.
I also realized that there was some selfishness involved, being that it required that I move into an uncomfortable place in my life, or give up some of my time and plans. Service is sacrificial and not going to be convenient for my personal satisfaction.

Slowing down has been humbling, moving, and scary like walking a tight rope without a net. I realize I've always had a net, the Lord... So now, I operate at a new pace, reset priorities, listen and grow. I will push through my feelings of inadequacy and get off the hamster wheel. My worth has always been in and through Him, not worldly achievements and successes. I realize that any service I do in the Lords name is valued by him. That's real success.

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