Monday, December 20, 2010

Eating Intuitively

In my previous post I talked about how I prefer eating a part raw and part cooked natural foods diet.  I am in tune to my body's needs as well as it's wants LOL!  I have discovered that I am an intuitive eater.  Over the years I have traveled many paths around food and have now arrived at a balanced place regarding my body, food and nutrition.  I'm realizing that my body knows best, and I follow it's lead. There are times where I realize that I'm eating due to emotional circumstances (grabbing for the all comforting chocolate bar!)  However those detours are in the minority.

Being the type of eater I've developed into I have found it is wise to keep a good variety of food types on hand.  Pantry stocked with whole grains (qunioa, buckwheat groats, sticky brown rice...), my fridge stocked with different kinds of greens (kale, a favorite, arugula, spinach... for eating and making green smoothies and juices), a variety of veggies (cukes, carrots, fennel, zucchini...).  All of these veggies and greens transfer into tasty cooked dishes, like tasty stews as well as yummy raw dishes such as raw zucchini pasta or fennel, orange and spinach salad.  Fresh fruits especially the juicy ones (grapes, my favorite, melon, berries both fresh and frozen ).  Apples are great baked on a cold winter's night topped with a little granola or raw shredded (like cheese, yes it gives it a different twist) with cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves on top!  You see it isn't hard to have the best of both worlds!

I now when I'm not feeling my energetic best, my body craves raw dishes, especially fruits and veggies along with some good nut butters (both raw and roasted, almond, cashew, sunflower seed...).  There are times when my body wants a little meat (usually fish, fresh or canned chicken and turkey), all are great pared with a big green salad, the fiber in the salad helping to push along the meat.  Fiber also slows down the absorption of sugars.  So if I've been eating a lot of fruit or other sweet foods, I will follow it with a green smoothie made with dark leafy goodness (dino kale, spinach, collards and other greens mixed with cucumbers as they are filled with water our body so needs, and herbs like parsley).

Over the past few years I've chosen to deepen my connection to myself and have learned to trust my inner wisdom.  This has lead me to live my live more honestly, in all areas.  It's comforting to have found my place on the food map. What kind of eater are you?

Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 18 of Raw Food Challenge

Hi Folks :)

I like to put myself through different challenges because I always learn something about myself that helps me to grow and keep moving forward.  Whenever I'm engaged in any raw food preparation and consumption I get a happy feeling inside that lets me know that I really am in the place I should be.  Nothing feels better in the morning than whipping up a fresh raw smoothie! (Today's smoothie consisted of cranberries, apples, cinnamon, a handful of spinach, agave and water.  A refreshing sweet/tart combination!).

Wondering if I've been 100% raw, I would answer no.  However the closer I stay to raw the better I feel and look (all of the high water content of fresh raw smoothies and produce do wonders for my skin. It's like a 'natural botox' LOL!)  I have also been eating cooked dinners at times.  They consist of whole natural foods such as quinoa, cabbage stew, short grain brown sticky rice stew (Yum!) and some dark chocolate.  As I stated in previous blogs I plan on incorporating natural healthy cooked foods along with raw foods.  I feel they compliment each other well and I get the best of both worlds.

What this raw challenge is teaching me is that I hit the right way of eating for myself.  I was able to see that what works for me and makes me feel good is still and always to remain about 70-80% raw.  I'm comfortable with this and feel balanced.  We all have to learn to gain information and utilize it in a way that works best for our OWN lives, to personalize it.  Never follow anything anyone says  when you feel it really isn't going to work in your life.  Have your own mind and forge your own way of living based on what you learn is best for you.

I no longer put pressure on myself to be a certain way. I know that it isn't necessary. I am gaining better health and a peaceful sense of mind.  I now no longer feel a need for this challenge because I've learned from it what's best for me, and keeps me from rebelling back into foods I'm better off without.  (I couldn't imagine going through a Midwest winter without a hot heart stew or soup!)  I am grateful for this challenge and the knowledge I've gained from it.  What challenge can you grow from? :D

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

ConsciousLivingChick: One Hundred Day Raw Challenge

ConsciousLivingChick: One Hundred Day Raw Challenge

One Hundred Day Raw Challenge

Yesterday I began my 100 day raw foods challenge.  I've been raw off and on for about two years .  Nothing makes me feel better than when I'm giving my body live foods.  I feel lighter, have more energy  and have  a clearer head.  I have experienced healing benefits throughout the few years I've been on raw.  Having  multiple food allergies, I find it so easy to avoid all of the no no's eating real live foods, because there's nothing in them but nutrient dense goodness.  Also as I've stated before, I include natural cooked foods like grains and cooked veggies and some fish/chicken as well.  However, right now I really feel like I need the incredible healing abilities of what raw foods does for the body.  I will always be at least 80-90% raw,  but I don't want to exclude delicious cooked dishes throughout my life.
Here I'm showing just a few raw goodies that I've made.  Up top is a raw brownie/cookie before and after.  I also made some cheeze flax crackers using Nutritional Yeast (not a raw product) for the 'cheese'. Last I have a Hemp protein shake using Hemp powder, spinach, almond milk, and a banana.
I realize that I'm beginning this journey close to the holidays, but I'm doing this purposefully.  I will be able to keep control of what I eat and not delve into things that cause me problems.  Not having that post holiday oh-no-look-at-all-I-ate syndrome makes this all the more rewarding!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Enjoying old favorites

I always enjoy most of my raw foods meals but I find that eating whole natural cooked foods are complimentary to a high raw diet.  Here I've made a mini version of my favorite oven roasted chicken and vegetables.
I simply chopped what veggies I had on hand, carrots, golden potatoes, celery and red onion.  I sprayed them with olive oil and seasonings and placed the partially roasted chicken breast (I started roasting it first as it takes the longest to cook) in with the veggies.  I continued to roast till done and, voila an mini version to a whole roasted chicken with all the fixins!
There's something about chicken and roasted veggies that's so comforting to me, just wanted to share it with you.

The Power of Women Supporting Each Other

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Guiltless Pizza :D

One of my favorite foods and one that I have really missed the most is pizza.  When I became wheat and gluten intolerant I tried many different gluten free pizzas and non matched the gooey thick crusts that made pizza such an enjoyable experience.  I have sense discovered Pamela's gluten free bread and baking mix and I will be attempting to make a homemade pizza.  Pamela's is the absolute best gluten free line of mixes on the market in my opinion.

However, not having my favorite treat came with one good consolation, the absence of carbs is good for my waist line.  Anyone who is gluten-wheat free can attest to the fact that these products are very high in calories and carbohydrates!  Searching around the internet  found a recipe for eggplant pizza.  Being a fan of this vegetable, I decided to give it a go.  Much to my delight, I found them not only tasty, but a satisfying substitute for my longed for pizza.

The crust of the eggplant is chewy and when covered with the toppings I prefer it is a healthy and tasty alternative!

The recipe is very simple, simply cut eggplant into rounds, ( I didn't even bother to slice my rounds thin as they dehydrate down much thinner anyway).

I then make the pizza sauce, using either raw chopped tomatoes or an all natural salsa ( I like using this because it already has peppers, onions and other spices included. Costco makes a great one)

I spread a thin layer of olive oil on to the eggplant rounds and top with the sauce and other veggies,  olives, spices and then I sprinkle on a layer of Nutritional Yeast as a cheese-dairy substitute. ( Note nutritional yeast is not a raw product if you're making a raw pizza).

I place the rounds on a dehydrator sheet and dry for 12 hours or until they are the consistency I like.  The thiner you slice the rounds the less drying time you will have, depending on your toppings.

The chewiness is what gives this such a 'pizza' feel. I also love the fact that I can eat and not be concerned about carb overload!  I hope you will be inspired to try out eggplant 'pizza' too!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

'Milking' away my allergies

In the second series of how I detected hidden allergens in foods I will focus on dairy products.  As I stated before I thought that I was eating carefully and taking the precautions of avoiding dairy and all of it's related products.  Unbeknownst to me; I was still ingesting dairy in unfamiliar forms and still suffering the effects from that.

Some people cannot drink milk because they lack the enzyme that breaks down lactose which is a sugar found in milk.  These people are known as lactose intolerant.  However, I like others cannot have dairy because it is highly mucous forming and causes asthma and allergy flare ups as well as breathing difficulties from the formed mucous in the body.

As I began to research, I discovered dairy comes in many forms that many are not aware of. I will list ingredients to to watch out for when reading labels.

Whey ( in all forms)
Whey protein hydrolysate is used for cider and wines
When solids
Milk solids
Caseinate, Casen
Sodium caseinate
Casein hydrolysate
Lactalbumin, Lactalbumin phosphate
Lactose, Lactulose, Lactoferrin, Lactitol
Rennet casein
Milk in all forms including condensed, derivative, dry, evaporated, goat's milk and milk from other animals

Foods commonly containing dairy

Custard, puddings, yogurts
All cheese unless stated dairy free
Half and half
Hot chocolate mixes
Non dairy creamers
Spreads including artificial butter, butter, artificial butter flavor and many margarines (even though they state non-dairy on the label)
Boxed dinners, mashed potatoes, gravies, vegetables in sauces and creams or cheese
Canned pasta meals
Prepared meats including hot dogs, sausages and lunch meats
Salad dressings
Sherbet and some sorbets
Many kinds of chocolate (cocoa powder is dairy free)
Caramel candies, Nougat candy, Malted milk balls
Meal replacement drinks (like Slim Fast) and bars

After I discovered these ingredients, it made a world of difference in my health as I was taking in many of these ingredients.  Fortunately we are living in an age where there are so many dairy alternatives that are nutritious and delicious. Look for that post for these alternatives in my next blog.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Soy part two

In this second part I will elaborate more on soy laden foods.  Soy is often used in foods to make them high protein.  If you read this claim on food products examine the label more closely.  Soy flour or other soy ingredients may have been used.  The following list are some ingredients to watch out for when avoiding soy.

Hydrolyzed soy protein
Miso ( a paste made of rice, barley or soybeans; a seasoning used often in Japanese cuisine)
Natto ( a Japanese food made from fermented soy beans)
Shoyu sauce ( a soy sauce)
Soy protein isolate
Soy sauce
Tamari ( a type of soy sauce)
Tempeh ( similar to tofu)
Textured vegetable protein aka TVP
Soy flour, albumin flour

Foods that are very likely to contain soy are
Salad dressings
Vegetarian meat substitutes
Some flavored teas
Coffee creamers ( artificial)
Some spices
Some gluten free products ( if you are wheat intolerant)
Canned tuna
Most processed foods includes, Stuffing mixes/Baking mixes/Canned puddings/Canned and packaged dinners/Chocolate bars/Imitation seafood-crab style legs/Cooking spray/Snack foods/Some vitamins and supplements.

Soy can be found in non-food items such as Lip balms/Cosmetics/Lotions

It may seem overwhelming at first because soy is so prevalent in our foods now.  However, knowledge is power and the more control you have to protect yourself against these ingredients the more confident you will be in making wise food choices.  Over time these ingredients will jump out at you when you recognize them.  My husband now recognizes many of the ingredients just from shopping with me.  It isn't difficult, just a little more time consuming.  But you are worth it aren't you? :D

Thursday, October 7, 2010

My battle with Soy

When I was tested for food allergies, one of the foods I tested highest for was soy.  Later on in years as I began suffering again,  it was up to me to learn on a deeper level about the foods I was eating.  As I mentioned in the previous blog, my doctors had no idea why I was suffering from the various symptoms I was having (extreme dizziness, migraine like headaches, dark and itchy skin splotches and more).  I also stated that I was put through a variety of physical tests ( MRI and other neurological tests).  Nothing was discovered.

As my frustration grew so did my resolve to press forward to help myself.  I begin to learn to tap into my intuition (something we all have) and learn to trust and follow those intuitive thoughts and feelings.  I strongly felt that I was bringing on these symptoms through my diet. As I researched my original food allergies I began to learn how wide spread soy is in much of the food we consume. Not only was I still getting soy, but msg and dairy three big nono's for me. They were 'hidden' away listed with unfamiliar names in so many foods.

Here listed are examples of foods that may contain soy.
Soy protein,  Textured vegetable protein (TPV),  Hydrolyzed soy protein,  Hydrolyzed plant protein,  Hydrolyzed vegetable protein,  Natural and artificial flavoring (may be soy based), Vegetable gum, Vegetable starch, Soy lecithin. These are common soy-containing ingredients.

Soy-Containing Foods are
Miso,  Soy sauce,  Worcestershire sauce,  Tamari,  Tempeh,  Vegetable broth, some cereals,  Many baked goods.

Soy may also be called Soy, Soya, Soybeans, Glycine max.  Soy is also a common ingredient in other food products such as meat products (particularly luncheon meats and sausages), meat substitutes, candies, ice creams, dessert, margarine spreads are mostly soy, and  some condiments.

As you can see that when you that avoiding all soy, it can be challenging as soy isn't just tofu and soy milk, it's everywhere!  Being educated and consistant reading and understand of food labels are your best weapon against accidentally contaminating yourself (as I was doing) in the process.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Re learning how to eat:

My connection with raw foods has lead me down the road to better health and healing.  I now eat raw and whole foods to continue to better my body, mind and spirit.

I've always had allergies. A few years ago I took allergy therapy shots weekly which was the beginning of a huge healing change to my life. During this time it was discovered that I was allergic to numerous foods and had other food sensitivities.  Being sick in some way for the better part of my life was unbeknown to me, all a part of food allergies ( along w/some environmental and chemical allergies too).

 I was doing fine for a while, and then began to suffer from mystery symptoms again.  This time the symptoms were more debilitating, extreme dizziness ( to the point that I couldn't drive at times), brain fog, dark skin marks and body wide itchiness, and migraine like headaches.  Not to mention, stomach bloating and pain.

I was given a blood test for Celiac but it came back negative.  I was tested for a host of other conditions, from MS, to brain tumors. All came back negative.  Doctors didn't really know what to tell me. I began to research myself and testing my body by removing and re entering certain foods that I had under suspect.

I realized my body was reacting from foods that I thought I had eliminated from my diet.  What I didn't know then was that unclear and misleading food labeling had made it possible for these trouble foods and chemical preservatives/additives to slip through.  I was slowly poisoning myself.

Now days labels have gotten much better but still require careful examination and a knowledge of what ingredients are.  In the next blog I will be discussing ingredients and common allergens and where they are hiding in our food. Learning this was indeed a lifesaver for me.  Once I was able to move through the secret labeling codes,  I could shop and eat without fear. Once I began eating a raw and whole foods diet my my symptoms disappeared and my body thanked me.

I want to help others who may be in the same boat as I was and don't know where to turn or what to eat. I want to educate people on what's really in the foods they eat, especially processed foods, and help people discover that when we eat natural unprocessed whole foods, we are healing as well as enjoying good food.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dying to Self

Each day I awake I ponder and pray on so many things.  I'm learning not to always pray for my situation or a particular situation to change or dissolve.  I'm concentrating more on praying to God to allow Me to change so that I can be in any situation and handle it God minded, not man minded ( or woman!).

Each day as I grow and walk with God I realize that I must die to self,  in the mind over and over again.
I constantly renew my spirit, thus allow the worldly mind to die in order to rebirth myself in God's name.

But because of his great love for us, God who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions-it is by grace you have been saved.  And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ, Jesus.  Ephesians 2:4-7

To die to self is to humble myself, to admit my wrong thinking and wrong actions, to myself and to God.  I must remember how to live according to God's word not how I think things should work.  So I will continue to study the Word, meditate on the Word and on positive things.  I will continue to be satisfied with the way things are and with where I am in life.  I will continue to forgive and let go and most of all show mercy that is most always shown to me.  I will continue to learn to walk in God's living light, for Him and for me.

I will remember that I am here to experience and to learn to grow in character, and that dose not always equal comfort.  But, I will persevere because I can. I am given nothing I can't handle.  Believing is seeing, and to that I will walk my walk in faith.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pushing Myself Beyond...

Lately I'm finding that I require more.  More depth in my walk with God, more discipline in my eating  (controlling cravings, negating previous bad food habits), more intensity in my workout regime. My life itself has been giving me more, though not the more I wanted or expected, but significant changes there for my own spiritual and character growth.

I am finding during my trials and tribulations that I am already so much More.  Stronger than I ever thought I could be, more forgiving than I knew I had in me, more determined to be a living example for God here on this earth, better able to understand that though we are all human, we are all also spirit, all connected ( wether we choose to be or not LOL!).

Like us all in these times we live in, the difficulties are more prominent, but, so is the ability to have gratitude in all there is and all I am.  Life is pushing me beyond, way beyond where I thought I could reach and climb.  I am thankful for these trials, difficulties, and even the confusion.  The silver lining that begins to show through is well worth it.  It is because of God that I am where I am and I give all the glory to Him. His mercy, teaches me mercy, His grace allows me to have grace, His unconditional forgiveness makes it possible for me to do the same.

I know I will continue to be pushed beyond as long as I have breath, and life.  I am comforted that through all of this I have Him.

I must give a shout out to creator of P90X workouts Tony Horton who is definitely giving me way more physically than I ever thought I could do! :D

Monday, August 9, 2010


So often in life we think we have it figured out.  We make plans, try and create opportunities, get advise fall, fail, or even succeed.  However, it's only when we stop trying so hard to become, to impress, to compete, to imitate that that answers and solutions appear.

As life carries us along it's churning rivers suddenly the realization that the very process of being is providing guidance and opportunities for the full flow to emerge into life's oceans.

I've learned that though I may be headed down a road I believe is the absolute right way for me, I'm spun around and am guided down a different one.  It's only when I stop trying so hard to believe I know the way that I find my way.  I am becoming...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Getting there

In this world everyone is pushed to be something a big something right away.  Whatever happened to being 'here' while getting there.  Taking time to just be, to smell the roses and experience the process.

People are convinced that it they don't become something, they aren't anything.  We need to remember that we were always something.  We were Born something, individual creations of our Creator period.  In essence this makes us beautiful and special and all-connected by birthright.

It's only when we get caught up in being Of the world instead of remembering that we are simply In the world that we put pressure on ourselves to meet outward expectations of the world.  It's so important to know that whatever we choose to accomplish in this life is all good, and wether or not these accomplishments are met doesn't define us as beings.  We are no more or no less than anyone else regardless of their accomplishments.

Acting in love, walking in love and having connections to something beyond yourself is the essence of who we are.  God is love and that makes us love too.  We are all like crayons  the He creates through and with.  No matter what I've done or do in the future, I want my life to be a beautiful picture, content at peace and made by God.

Love for all

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Faith, Comfort in the Lord...

Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, give us our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation, bit deliver us from evil..

For Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory now and forever.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Moving through...

It's so easy when one has been hurt or betrayed to close oneself off to engaging in other  experiences positive or otherwise with others.  Recently, I have been determined to protect myself, due to certain personal circumstances from ever allowing myself to be put in any position again to be treated as such.  I told myself that these recent events have made me stronger, and they have, but I was prepared to close myself off from being open to others in life.

During my morning meditation, I received a message telling me to remember that love is the core of us, and not to ever close myself off from it.  As I was receiving this message the sun shown upon me so brightly out of the crook of a tree branch. I looked up trying to focus on it and got such a warm feeling, a beautiful feeling.  I knew that God was saving me from myself.  He was guiding me back to my heart and spirit.

I now know that 'hardening' my heart isn't the answer to being hurt no matter how deeply.  God is love and he made us in his image.  We are love too.  I'm so grateful for his unyielding ability to remind me of who I am during the worse circumstances.  I know that I can't move any faster than God wants me to.  I must be patient and learn the lessons along the way.  I must show Him my unyielding faith by making the choice to trust Him even when the outcome could very well be completely different that my choosing.  I'm letting go of how things should or ought to be, of expectations of others ( a lesson I've been learning repeatedly).

It is during my trials and tribulations that I must learn to grow stronger in love instead of taking refuge from it.  Learning not to have expectations of others will serve to stay focused on the process of relationships instead of the outcome.  Most important I'm again reminded who loves me in and out of this world, in spite of what I do or feel, who loves me just because I am...

Monday, July 26, 2010

Living life: Stronger, Better, Fuller!

Sometimes when we begin backsliding down life's hills, we are being taught or in my case re-taught important lessons.  Like algebra or weight training, growing through life requires practice practice, practice!
Flexing life's health/well being and spirit muscles is the only way to advance at it.

Being hit hard with life circumstances can either make or break you.  I choose to allow it to re make me into the strongest, most fearless version of myself.  I am purging my life of negators, energy vampires, and drama addicts.  I strive to make peace the core if my inner being.  I spend time not in deep thought... rest weary mind, but in deep meditation so that I can connect with Our creator.  Only He/She has the answers that can guide me through life's darkest and most glorious tunnels.

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, Yes, wiser too.  I'm now better armed and more appropriately focused to create exactly who I choose to be... As I grow and change, who that is will change along with me.  You have to experience who you are Not to grow and experience who you are...

Just being....Peace

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Raw meet up

Yesterday I attended a raw meet up group at a local massage institute.  I thought the teacher was very well informed and the best thing is that she wasn't preachy or hard core about adding more raw into the diet.  Let's remember, we're all adults and just because you embark on a new food journey doesn't mean that you're a loser if you don't follow certain rules and regulations.  As adults we tend to be so hard on ourselves if we don't get it right the first time around.  Let's remember that any change is a process and will take patience and time, as well as there being a learning curve that we will have while making new adjustments in our lives.

Let's face it, any addition of more fresh food cooked or raw is a positive addition to anyone.  The SAD (Standard American Diet is poor and killing us).  Just adding one green smoothie a day is a big positive jump for anyone.  Why not try replacing desserts with some tasty raw concoctions, and believe me, there are Plenty of decadent raw desserts available!!!  Try cutting back on meat to twice weekly and have an awesome veg filled dinner.  There are great recipes out there, you'd really be surprised.  Try attending a vegetarian potluck in your area, browse the internet, ask co worker or friends.  There is a beautiful bounty of healthy fare for us to feast on, both raw and prepared.  Why not make it an adventure!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Shift

As I start each day anew, I am thankful for the opportunity for more learning and growth, even when it comes through in the form of emotional pain.  Just when I have so many things figured out things Shift and are turned upside down.  Or should I say I am turned upside down!   Then I remember that I am not the one in complete control, God is.

I do believe that we can be co- creators in our lives and manifest what we desire, but I believe too, that there is also a bigger picture than the immediate one.  In this picture I must relax and allow life....just that, allow life to take shape, to reveal itself to me.  This is difficult because we are taught in this culture to always be in control of ourselves, so when we're not, things get uncomfortable.

Uncomfortable because I am railing against  my self imposed fears.  Now, I'm focusing on letting go and trusting in a higher power, whatever you want to refer to as The Creator, Universal Energy, The Source...

Faith, trust, leaning on, yes I'll be pursuing all of these and more.  I realize that it won't be easy because of past programmed behaviors and beliefs but I choose to cast out those enemies.  I am more than my fears!  My life is beginning a major Shift, to living simply and simply living.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Help! Kelp Noodles!!

Recently I have discovered the ever popular kelp noodles. As they were difficult to find, I was very excited when I finally found them. The store employee told me that either you like them or you don't and I was sure I would, seeing that I Love all other sea vegetables, nori, dulse...

When I arrived home I excitedly researched various recipes to 'play' around with. Eventually, I decided on my own, a stir fry ( Not a raw preparation ). I used some of my fave veggies some spices, seasonings and a mild sauce and tossed in the kelp noodles. It looked like a masterpiece! I couldn't wait to dive in!!! However, after I did I couldn't wait to dive back out!! The stir fry itself was very's the noodles I couldn't stomach. Yuck, Ew, Gross, Ug and all the rest!!! I think it's their texture that turns me off. The noodles themselves are neutral in taste, sort of, I thought I rinsed them pretty well. I felt like I was chewing on raw worms or nasal drippings ( Sorry anout the grossness! )

I tried to finished the meal, after all I went through the trouble of finally finding them, but I just couldn't. The noodles on their own are crunchy, unless you add a sauce to them, though they maintain their firmness. I tried the raw in a salad as well, but I just wanted to vomit! That says a lot for me because I have tried many unusual things and liked them.

Oh well, for all those who enjoy these kelp noodles, chew away LOL! That was one experience I don't care to repeat!!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Not feeling guilty over the food struggles

Yes, today I had some kettle potato chips. No they are Not apart of my raw and or healthy snacks regime. Guilt...I used to really beat myself up whenever I peeked out of the health window, but now...I realize that I'm doing the best that I can right now. Later I will do the best I that I can then. I'm still learning to apply the practice of living in the moment and dwelling on the past or future is useless.

I will become about 80% raw for Life, and the rest...some cooked, occasional treat, that's what feels right for me. I don't compare myself with others and their diets because that journey belongs to them...We're all individuals and that's a good thing.

I feel great about where I am right now, and it shows I've come a long way baby!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My transition to raw vegan

OK, I just love being raw about 60- 70% right now. As a person w/multiple food allergies, raw foods has rescued me from a diet of well, very little. Going raw has eliminated my gastritis and regulated my blood sugars, and I'm not 100%...yet.!

My quest to become a vegan seemed to be a natural progression along with raw, however, I haven't been as successful as of late. I'm having a really hard time giving up chicken and fish. Why go vegan? Because intuitively it's what my body is telling me is best for me. Due to my food allergies, I am unable to embrace the alternative meat substitutes and that leaves me...jumping back and forth between meat and no meat.

This too is all apart of my journey that sends me up and down the many paths to be traveled.