Clean Eating makes me feel so sweet
Gives me natural energy from my head to my feet
My plate looks so simple yet delectable
I'm always excited to be at my table
I'm glad to give my gratitude
Because clean foods improve my attitude
I marvel with joy and delight
Clean eating brings to my entire life!
Clean eating; whole unprocessed foods in their closest natural state as possible.
Any food with an ingredient list more that two or three ingredients long is probably man made and not a clean food source.
Processed foods include white sugar, and flour, breads and pasta, and foods with any added colorings, chemicals and artificial flavorings.
Whole grains contain the whole grain and complex carbs that the body recognizes as a real food source.
Foods that contain saturated fats and high amounts of sugars are also not on the clean foods menu.
Eating seasonally and locally if possible is a great way to not only support your local farmers but to get food that hasn't traveled in and out of other countries to get to its destination.
Don't stress yourself over the organic to or not to. Shop based on Your budget and availability. Non organic produce can be washed using plain old white or apple cider vinegar and lemon or a natural fruit wash carried in most stores these days. See for a list of the 12 fruits and veggies that contain the highest amounts of pesticides.
As for meat, dairy, and eggs (organic eggs are plentiful) many markets now carry grass fed and or organic brands, however if not purchase what's available for you and again your budget. It's been only recently for me to be able to purchase some grass fed meats from my local grocery. Change may be slow but it is approaching.
Clean eating is simple and your body will thank you for it.
Hi, I am just one little soul here on this plane to do my work to spread the word about living healthy, natural lives and extolling peace amongst ourselves and spreading it to others. It is my hope through this blog to inspire and teach others about how we can effect our mind body and spirit through wholesome eating and centered living. I am a Raw Foods Practitioner and studying to become a Holistic Nutrition and Health Coach. Let's live one moment and one breath at a time...
Monday, November 25, 2013
Ode To Clean Eatin'!
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
We're Not Heavy; We're God's Children
Trust in The Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
My drawing says it all, these frustrations and difficulties we all experience in our lives however, require believing in the trustworthiness of The Lord and allows us to stop focusing on just our circumstances which produce these feelings, but to lean on depend on and have faith in God. We have to remember that Satan will keep trying to reinforce those insecure feelings and magnify them in our minds, but we can remember that in the end God completes His promises and in the end it is Him who will win!
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Gluten Free Naturally
Many people are choosing to eliminate wheat and gluten from their diet these days whether or not they have allergies or sensitivities. Many believe that they feel better and have less stomach bloating as well as other allergy symptoms.
It's always to talk to your doctor or nutritionist before eliminating a food group from your diet, however, today's wheat isn't the same wheat of the past. It's clear that modern wheat is making us sick.
Almost everything about wheat is different now, one might even call our modern wheat Frakne-wheat! For thousands of years, wheat was cultivated, milled and consumed. It was a nourishing whole grain. Since the industrialization of our nation began technological revolutions, the first being milling gave us white flour; instead of crushing the entire wheat kernel together. This new processed flour stored and shipped better and pest problems were eliminated because they wouldn't eat it. ( That should tell us something!) Processed wheat keeps so well because it's been stripped of most all vital nutrients, the bugs are smart enough to know this!
The second techie process added was genetic modification of the wheat itself. In the 1950's Norman Borlaug was the inventor of this changing of natural wheat. Borlaug was the leader of the development of high yielding grains, distribution of hybridized seeds, synthetic fertilizers and pesticides to the farmers. He also pioneered an "improved" species of dwarf wheat that produced increased yields, made it pest resistant, draught resistant, and easier to harvest, as well as producing a fluffier baking result. This new technology spread around the world by companies like Dupont and Monsanto.
This new fangled farming was accepted without any knowledge or regard to the effects on nutrition and human health. The Green Revolution as it was called was about solving world hunger but the unforetold consequences weren't taken into consideration. Now we have mutant seeds grown in synthetic soil, bathed in chemicals bleached then treated with nutrients that were already there in the first place. No wonder it's making us sick!
Now the food industry has responded with multitudes of 'Gluten and Wheat Free' products to fill this new need. However, most gluten free products are just that gluten free versions of highly processed wheat based foods, in essence junk food. Most of the ingredients in these products contain white rice starch, potato starch, tapioca starch, and gums as a white flour substitute. People who take on this gluten free endeavor for health reasons end up gaining weight and feeling poorly in other ways because they are consuming processed white's and loads of sugar.
In order to avoid falling into the junk/gluten free trap when shopping stick to the perimeter of the grocery store. Here is where you will find fresh foods, naturally gluten free and nutrient rich. Such foods include fresh produce (fruits and veggies), fresh meat, poultry and seafood, and dairy and egg products.
Here are some foods that naturally contain no gluten:
Corn, Flax Potatoes, Quinoa, Rice, Soy (beware of allergic), Fruits/Veg, ( Dried fruit/ver with no additives) Fresh Meat, Seafood, Poultry, Eggs, Milk, Butter, Cream, Yogurt, Cheese (except American), Honey, Nut and Seed Butters (make sure they have no other added ingredients), Nuts and Seeds.
Sticking to a diet that is clean void of processed foods and ingredients like additives and colorants and chemicals, flavorings, msg will most likely assist in a healthy body. You will be consuming full nutrients without the junk and your body will recognize it as real energy and know just how to process it through your cells as cellular energy for the health and well being of the body.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Line Art Doodling For Release
Most everyone has doodled at one time or another, it's something that just comes naturally wether we're bored, distracted or making a concentrated effort. Doodling once thought of as just a way to pass the time actually has some positive health benefits.
In one study it has been shown that people who doodle during other activities (meetings, class) remember and retain more than non doodlers, that doodling helps the brain to focus.
Spontaneous doodling can also be a stress reliever forcing the mind to slow down and focus on being creative, and explore random thoughts and feelings that don't surface during busy daily lives.
I love all forms of doodling but especially line doodles. It's simply drawing lines or shapes over and over to create an overall picture, real or abstract. Doodling this way has a meditative effect on me. As I focus on keeping my lines close together and straight I get lost in the smoothness of the pen on paper, the flow of the lines and the quiet time that I allow this to occur. I find that I sometimes will workout a problem, though it's not my original intention. It's an great mood booster, after all we were created to be creative beings.
And he has filled him with the Spirit Of God, with skill, with intelligence, with knowledge, and with craftsmanship, to devise artistic designs, to work in gold and sliver and bronze,
Exodus 35:31-32
Monday, November 4, 2013
Target's Right On Target!
The weather's getting colder and sometimes it just feels like a morning for piping hot whole grain cereal! Target carries a double whammy called Simply Balanced Organic hot cereal, a blend of oats and quinoa.
Oats lend themselves as we all know to be a super healthy grain, from it's ability to lower cholesterol levels, to the unique antioxidant compound called Avenathramides. This particular antioxidant prevents free radicals from damaging LDL cholesterol and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Oats have also been shown to stabilize blood sugar in diabetes as well. Oats are high in fiber to boot!
Quinoa is a versatile little grain that's Gluten free, antioxidant rich containing flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol and is packed with phytonutrients as well as calcium. Quinoa is a dense powerful little grain that packs a big punch for your health.
Simply Balanced Hot Cereal combines these two super grains into one hot cereal for a powerful nutrient rich breakfast that can't be beat. It can also be served like rice with a meal or layered with berries and yogurt in a parfait. It's a great way to get something very good for the body into kids topped with an all natural jam, coconut sugar(it's low glycemic), their favorite fruit or even chocolate chips!
God's Wisdom Over Ours
It's hard when life's challenges feel like they're overcoming us. It's usually when we are relying on our own knowledge instead of God's that we get confused and lost and veer from the path that God sets us on.
It takes time away from the world in order to be able to focus and listen for instruction on how to live our lives, we have to learn to be dependent ( the opposite from what the world tells us to do) on our father and to trust in His ways even if we do not fully understand the why or what in them.
It begins with getting to know God as our ultimate parent, creator and Lord. We can't learn and grow in someone whom we have no idea who they are or what they are about. God's word provides us a direct link of who he is and how he operates. Its our life How To Manual. When we learn to function by this manual and not a false man made one ( Worldly culture), we can begin deciphering our fallen ways from His ways and begin to bring about transformation.
Traveling God's narrow path isn't an easy road but in the end it's the only road to bring us into God's light.
What A Date!
A fun food find for the sweet tooth in us all! If you love carmel but not all of the processed white sugar and dairy that usually accompanies it you may want to try a caramel sauce made from organic dates.
Date Lady caramel sauce is Organic, Gluten Free and Kosher. It contains no dairy or processed sugar and has the goodness of dates which means you get the vitamins and minerals that comes with eating dates.
This sauce can be used just as any other caramel sauce, on top of ice cream, in lattes as a dipping sauce for those crisp fall apples, blended into smoothies the possibilities are endless!
I was excited to find this as searching for an allergy safe natural caramel sauce wasn't an easy task, especially one that wasn't labeled sugar free leaving it loaded with artificial sweeteners as the ones in the supermarket are.
Date Lady Caramel Sauce can be purchased at