Monday, November 4, 2013

What A Date!

A fun food find for the sweet tooth in us all! If you love carmel but not all of the processed white sugar and dairy that usually accompanies it you may want to try a caramel sauce made from organic dates.

Date Lady caramel sauce is Organic, Gluten Free and Kosher. It contains no dairy or processed sugar and has the goodness of dates which means you get the vitamins and minerals that comes with eating dates.

This sauce can be used just as any other caramel sauce, on top of ice cream, in lattes as a dipping sauce for those crisp fall apples, blended into smoothies the possibilities are endless!

I was excited to find this as searching for an allergy safe natural caramel sauce wasn't an easy task, especially one that wasn't labeled sugar free leaving it loaded with artificial sweeteners as the ones in the supermarket are.

Date Lady Caramel Sauce can be purchased at

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