Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Line Art Doodling For Release

Most everyone has doodled at one time or another, it's something that just comes naturally wether we're bored, distracted or making a concentrated effort. Doodling once thought of as just a way to pass the time actually has some positive health benefits.

In one study it has been shown that people who doodle during other activities (meetings, class) remember and retain more than non doodlers, that doodling helps the brain to focus.

Spontaneous doodling can also be a stress reliever forcing the mind to slow down and focus on being creative, and explore random thoughts and feelings that don't surface during busy daily lives.

I love all forms of doodling but especially line doodles. It's simply drawing lines or shapes over and over to create an overall picture, real or abstract. Doodling this way has a meditative effect on me. As I focus on keeping my lines close together and straight I get lost in the smoothness of the pen on paper, the flow of the lines and the quiet time that I allow this to occur. I find that I sometimes will workout a problem, though it's not my original intention. It's an great mood booster, after all we were created to be creative beings.

And he has filled him with the Spirit Of God, with skill, with intelligence, with knowledge, and with craftsmanship, to devise artistic designs, to work in gold and sliver and bronze,
Exodus 35:31-32

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