Thursday, October 18, 2012

Operation Walkout Week 2

It is week two of using only Leslie Sansone walk at home DVDs as my main workout. I've been using them five times a week, and yoga on the sixth day. I'm happy to say I feel great and much to my surprise some of my clothes are slightly loose.

I've been eating mostly clean, meaning not bombarding my diet with processed foods. I do allow a treat now and then, even though I said in the first blog I was taking away All sweets. I find with staying in my caloric range and working out, those small portion controlled treats are not derailing me. An example are the mini or snack sized snickers bars ( my fave! ), or a raw Carmel dip made of dates and nut butter for apples. These aren't daily eats, they're used as treats.

I'm using the app called Lose It! It's a great app for keeping track of what you eat. You can set goals for weight loss or just maintain and you can add your own foods if they're not in the large listing of given foods. I find this app to be a motivator for me as it lays out my caloric intake I have for the day and subtracts from that as I record my meals. It's easy and provides me with the boundaries I need to keep in control.

I'm really enjoying my walking DVDs and I'm not in pain from complicated moves or body strain. I'm aiming for great health and I'm well on my way.

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