Monday, November 5, 2012

Fruits of the Spirit Series Pt. 1 Faithfulness

A few weeks ago I attended church and the sermon was on the fruits of spirit. At that time I listened but it didn't really hit home until later. All during that week I kept coming across readings and videos on these fruits. It was obvious God was trying to guide me to study this topic in depth.

As I began to really study and let the fruits marinate in my spirit, It became clear how important this subject was. In the past I only attempted to memorize them but the fruits must be absorbed and wrung out through the pores of your life. The more I began to understand these fruits the more I was able to live by the and incorporate them into my life and the lives of others. These fruits are one of the best meals my spirit has had and I will be forever grateful for that sermon led by Gods hand.

The first fruit I want to pluck is the fruit of Gentleness.
This is one I go back to often as I need repeat reminders of it. Gentleness is learning to lean on God for everything. Relying on my own thinking keeps me from fully submitting to Gods ways, as His ways are above mine. Gentleness means to recognize that they way I view things is shaped by my exposure to sin which causes misinterpretation of the experiences I have. Gentleness is acceptingGods world view that is the real truth about spiritual and material worlds. It's about allowing God to lead me. I'm not always lead to a place of my choosing but if it's what He wants then that's what matters. Finally getting this and putting it to heart and mind is changing my world.

Matthew 4:4
Man does not live by food alone. People need every word that God has spoken.

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